MADLab events: Oculus Rift, Xcode & introducing “Perform Your Migration”

There are several upcoming events here at the MADLab (Gerstein Science Information Centre) over the next few weeks – they are all free and open to students, faculty and staff at UofT.  (You must register at the Event URL for each session you would like to attend).  Please share!

App Workshop: Perform Your Migration

Date: Thursday January 29, 12:10 PM – 12:50 PM

Presenters: Roberta Buiani and Natalie Doonan

We would like to introduce “Perform Your Migration”, a game for mobile devices, letting the player experience a variety of scenarios that mix a science-fiction narrative and real migration stories and testimonies; cartoonish characters and real human protagonists. The game format enables audiences to learn about the choices, or the lack of choices that an immigrant has, depending on her nationality, motivation, economic standing, age, health, ability, education, profession, religion, race and sexual orientation. Currently in the development phase, this game seeks to move beyond the mainstream portrayal of the migrant as a desperate, destitute or opportunist individual, aiming to provide a more nuanced description of the figure of the “migrant”, her motivations and her needs. In addition, it aims to make players aware of the complexities and difficulties involved in the process of migration, of the often-frustrating loops and complications involved in the process of migration, while keeping him/her engaged and willing to know more. During this presentation we will illustrate the various challenges emerged during our preliminary research phase, in our quest for viable platforms and appropriate formats. As well, we will pose questions in order to gather opinions, (technical and conceptual) advise and feedback from the audience.

Xcode & iOS Development for Beginners

Date: Thursday January 29, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Presenter: Michael Spears, MADLab

(See Event URL for full description).

Topics to be introduced include:

  • What is an IDE?
  • A tour of the Xcode interface.
  • Using Xcode with Git.
  • Building and compiling an app binary.
  • Adding multimedia resources to an app bundle.
  • A taxonomy of the files included in a typical app project.
  • Interactive debugging.
  • Designing a user interface with Interface Builder and Storyboards.
  • How to find documentation and help.

Live-coding, Virtual Reality & Oculus Rift

Date: Wednesday, February 4, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 

Presenter: Brian Peiris

(See Event URL for full description.)

The latest generation of virtual reality hardware, along with emerging web standards such as WebVR and interactive 3D development tools like Unity have made VR accessible to a much wider audience of coders, artists, educators and explorers.

RiftSketch is an browser-based live-coding environment that presents a floating javascript editor inside a virtual world. Using the Three.js library, the visitor to this realm can insatiate and animate 3D objects without stepping outside the simulation.

Brian Peiris, the author of RiftSketch, will be here to provide an introduction to live-coding using ThreeJS, RiftSketch and the Oculus Rift. If there is time, we will allow guests to try out the Oculus Rift for themselves.

3D Printer Safety Training

There are still spots available for several of our upcoming 3D printer safety training sessions. Find out more about getting access to  the Gerstein 3D printers here: