About iTeachMed.ca: http://www.iteachmed.ca
“We are a group of Canadian Physicians actively involved in teaching who felt that there was need for greater guidance on the use of Apps, particularly related to teaching in medical settings.
Given the rapid change and breadth of information required to practice medicine, point-of-care information access has become increasingly paramount.
A recent study found that more than 85% of medical residents used a smartphone on a regular basis. We suspect that this number is growing rapidly on a daily basis.
As part of a graduate course through the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto, we developed this website to inspire and encourage the greater use of Apps in clinical and classroom medical teaching.
The Apps included on this website were carefully selected based upon personal research, experience, and third party reviews, ratings, and recommendations.
We hope to inspire medical teachers to broaden their teaching armementarium, while at the same time, creatively use Apps to teach in any medical scenario”