You CAN Take It With You: Going Mobile for Health

On June 11, 2014, the THLA & HSICT hosted at joint event at the Gerstein Science Information Centre which included a “Mobile App Petting Zoo” session right here at the MADLab.

The conference also included a keynote address from Michelle Hamilton Page (Manager, Social Media CAMH), and a panel with Ron McPherson (UHN), Marisa Cicero & Amanda Hignell (St. Michael’s Hospital), and Melanie Yeung (Centre for Global eHealth Innovation).

Each guest spoke about designing, developing and releasing mobile apps.

Here are links to several of the apps that were discussed:

Saying When: How to quit drinking or cut down (CAMH)


FCR: Find Cancer Resources (UHN)

App Home Page

My Baby and Me Passport App (St. Michael’s)

Google Play
Windows Store

bant – A diabetes app for the ePatient (Centre for Global eHealth Information

App Home Page